
21 June 2014

Battle of the WarBands

Comrade James and I got together with a few of the Lads to have a big SAGA game.  With 6 point war bands each, Jason and I each took Normans and teamed up against Comrade James with his Anglo-Danes and Andrew with Anglo-Saxons.  We played the Sacred Ground scenario and it was the first time I'd used my Normans.  It was a bit different getting used to them and was a fun afternoon.  Here are a few highlights:

At the end of the day the Anglo-Saxon Warlord fell attacked the centre hill and the Normans claimed the Victory.  But gaming and fun were of course the real winners!


  1. Normans without Levy Bowman? You are a brave commander, indeed!

    1. I took Crossbows instead and wanted to get all my horses on the field!
      In fact, I need some more mounted Warriors.
      I really like taking 3 units of them in my Warband, and then field them as two 12 man units.
      I fin the extra resilience and hitting power is well worth loosing a single SAGA die

  2. Great looking figures, I need to get back on my Normans/ Bretonnians.

    1. Thanks Sean - I'll look forward to some pics of your Frenchmen then!

  3. Fantastic looking game, good to see the Normans get the win! So did you have crossbowmen, three points of warriors in organised into two big units and then two points of Hearthguard as one unit? Bigger units would be great with Normans, help counter their fragility, and I suppose less SAGA dice but less units to activate too!

    1. Thats what I wanted to do (having had lots of success that way with Vikings), and certainly what the Dane-Saxon alliance did (having been on the receiving end of my Vikings!). However I didn't have enough mounted warriors to do that.
      What I took was a Mounted Warlord, 1 Mounted Hearthguard, 2 Mounted Warriors, 1 Foot warriors with Crossbows and 2 foot Warrior units (to take and hold the hill). My Norman ally had a similar mix

  4. Great looking game, these pictures are splendid, as are the armies, and the fight for the hill most impressive!

  5. Great bunch of pics from a great looking game.

  6. Wow, great stuff! Got to get my Vikings done pronto!!
