
13 July 2013

Wintercon 13

Hi all, Comrade James here with a quick report on Day One of the two day convention, Wintercon 13. This is the mid year games convention in Canberra Australia run by the same guys that run such, there are LOTS of gamers, re-enactors and trade stalls
I'm in my first Canberra convention since moving here this year, and my 3.Zug, 125 Panzer Grenadier Regt, 21st PzDIv are doing quite well in the Bolt Action tournament so far, with 2 wins and a loss...
Apocalypse game with hall in background

This is a foam,wearable Terminator costume that I'm yet to see in action...

Nerf gun firing range, nearly every sort of Nerf gun , supplied by Hasbro...

My first game, the Flammpanzer dominating the centre of the town with its vehicle hull mounted flamethrower...

Second game, a left flank attack with my halftrack full of troops secured one of the three objectives while my right flanking infantry secured the second for a minor win...the Flammpanzer was just deadly, killing 2 squads, an arty spotter and a 25lber.....

Third game and this time we were on the Russian front facing a horde with two T-34s....a major loss this time, sheer weight of numbers pinned my supporting units and my grunts just couldn't get close enough to the objective in the middle of the table....

I'll provide more updates after tomorrow and will endeavour to take more pics of the other game systems at play....


  1. nice run down of the games and looks like you had a lot of fun. Cheers for the pics.

  2. Always good to see what's going on elsewhere. 2 wins out of three. Pretty good going I would say./

  3. Good report and photos James! Looking forward to part two.

  4. Good effort so far; hoping you maintained momentum today!

  5. Nice report!
    Looking forward to know about the rest of the campaign!
