
15 July 2013

Wintercon 13-Part 2

Back again with part 2.....
Well, Day 2 started with a mission involving a contest over 5 objectives including a central one worth 2 pts...this time I faced a US Army force with a 105mm Sherman, M8 Greyhound, truck loaded with flame throwing Engineers and a few rifle squads..and a rocket launcher....
This time it appeared that the fuel shortages we experienced on the RUssian Front continued on the Western Front, with my Flammpanzer expending all its fuel on a Tough Veteran squad threatening the central objective (on a '1' on a D6 after firing the flame thrower runs out of fuel)...and it all went downhill after that....I tried a right flank surprise attack with a halftrack and one squad but unsupported they died in two turns, although not until after assaulting and killing the pesky mortar spotter that had zeroed in on my command opponent mopped up my lads and I suffered another major loss...not to worry, my opponent was a real gent and a pleasure to play.
The Flammpanzer eyes off its next target...tough veterans taking cover behind a non-fireproof wall....
The final death throes...the Platoon Command watches on as the US seize the central objective....

My final game was the only BLue on Blue game for the tourney, vs German Fallschirmjager. This army won best painted , and was a pleasure to play against...until the Pak 40 took out my Flammpanzer.....
The Pak40 being flamed ...and then was re-crewed by the Nebelwerfer, and subsequently took out the flammpanzer
A left flank attack by two squads of paras broke through my defending infantry and blew up my base....
My last chance to equal was my command team and a squad of infantry who charged up the middle of the table in the halftrack, lept out and raced towards his base as the halftrack was shot out from under them ...a mere 2 inches from the base, they were cut down to a man by his defending squad, clinching the game....a real nail biter down the wire, and I learnt a few tricks I'll be using in my future games....