
23 September 2011

Re-Roll Counters

Last month when we attended the NWA open day ( I picked up a sprue of the Renedra gravestones to make a small graveyard for my Saxon Church (  Then when I started playing my new Vampire Blood Bowl team I wanted some themed reroll markers, and these are just the business!

I mounted each on mdf and added some routine basing compound, then undercoated in black and added 3 layers of grey drybrushing before applying some flock and silfour tufts.  I'm really happy with they way they have come out.

For more detail on the Renedra gravestones, Anatoli has posted a review of these at his blog here:

Here they are in the background of a Dark Ages game as stand-alone gravestones by the Church:


  1. That's a great idea. Consider it stole...ah... borrowed.

  2. I may have to do that for my undead team! Still have to go back and touch up my orc team and finishthe coach and apoth at some point. Trying to think of something cool for orcs.

  3. Perfect! I sent along a bunch of tombstones to my buddy at Konflikt Terrain who is building my custom undead blood bowl pitch for the same reason. Nice to see they easily kill two birds with one (tomb)stone!

  4. Those look great well done.

    Btw did you get the email I sent, I've been having problems with email and some never make it.

  5. Looks very nice ! I like markers that you can use for several projects.

    Best regards Dalauppror

  6. They are really good looking, and multi purpouse too! :D

  7. Very cool! I'm a big fan of having themed tokens for rerolls & turn & score. I always do that for my teams.. these look great:can't beat gravestones for undeadish teams.

  8. Great Paul. That's another of your brillant ideas I will have to borrow!

  9. Nice idea, I'll have to order a set of those.

  10. They look awesome! Just finished painting my cemetary modules, will flock them tomorrow and add some shrubs before I post pics :-)
