
01 December 2009

1st Tactical Squad almost done

Some minor progress, amongst the brewing and domestic slavery (!)

1st Squad complete except for the basing and decals. Actually, some of the decals are on, but unfortunately they arrived in the mail soaked through because of the rain. And now some are peeling off. I'll try putting some gloss varnish on as a glue then placing the decals back on top of that. Hopefully, I can get some pics up shortly.

Some more deliveries of trade items have arrived (as you can see form the status bar) and I have based and primed a Dreadnought (AoBR style with multi-melta and CCW) for some work hopefully this weekend. Also negotiated some transport for the lads - they will soon be backed up by a Rhino, a Razorback and a Predator which will take the army to a respectable 1750 points.

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