
12 August 2024

Rediscovering Thunderbolt Apache Leader

Got some hobby supplies sent up from the Canberra Strategic Reserve, including a few games. Amongst them was this gem by GMT Games in 1992: Thunderbolt Apache Leader.

Comrade James introduced me to this in 1994 when it was only a few years old, and I got my own copy at the time. It was my first of many GMT games and that we played together, but I always loved how immersive and narrative TAH is. We played a particularly good set of campaigns together while at sea in 2007 but sadly the war diaries have been lost.

Contents are all still in great condition!

Interesting Fact: This game was the first one that veteran games artist Roger B McGowan (you'd recognise much of his work) did entirely on Computer - revolutionary at the time! See more of his work on Twitter @RBMStudio1

There wasn't a lot of additional material brought out for it at the time, but I did manage to track down this little article from a small wargaming magazine Called Panzerschrek,- this article is from Issue #7 in 2001

TAH has since spawned a whole array of games in the Leader series. The Game's designer Dan Versson left GMT Games, started his own games company (DVG) and released a revised version of TAH a decade or so ago, taking the game's mechanics in a different direction. 

More to follow as I rediscover this gem

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