
14 January 2024

AHPC 14: Expanding my Caesarian Army

Our recent discovery of To The Strongest has reignited our slumbering Roman Civil War project. So I'm expanding my collection with additional Legionaries with more dynamic massed basing, starting with these.

Alan and I are both using 120mm frontages for consistency, though its less important in To the Strongest.

I really enjoyed building these and went for a veteran look with differences in equipment & tunic/shield colours while still being cohesive overall. These are Caesar's experienced men from the conquests of Gaul and Hispania, and now arrayed against the forces of Alanius Minimus! Naturally I completely overthought the whole thing and got lost in a myriad of now utterly lost detail, but I'm really happy with the final outcome. Hand painted shields for the Centurion and the Signifier, others are Warlord decals.

Wanting to use my already completed models (posted in in Jan 21 during AHPC Season XI), I've used my existing single based figures and reconfigured them onto 120cm wide bases, adding an extra 8 to get to 4 full units. I then hobbycrastinated (when you do some hobby things to avoid other hobby aspects you dont want to do) by stripping their old flock and experimenting with a new basing system, and also making a sabot base...before realising that this investment of time was probably not best done during the challenge! Again, the Centurion has a hand painted shield, others are decals.

Figures are mostly Warlord games with some Wargames Factory and a few metals mixed. LBM decals

In To the Strongest, Heroes can be assigned to units to boost them in the attack. I've added four to the force; a veteran Centurion, the infamous Pullo and Vorenus duo, and a certain senior officer (from WI's Giants in Miniature range - said officer is scheduled to make another appearance later in this army project...)

Really enjoying rediscovering this project. In summary, thats: 

  • 8 single based figures
  • 26 figs across the 2 new multi-based units
  • 4 heroes 

Romanes Eunt Domus! 

But only the other ones, obviously...