
04 December 2023

November Hobby Wrap Up & AHPC 14

In addition to attending the WARFARE show in the UK recently, I also got to play a great game of tabletop Space 1889 which was a hoot. You can see a full write up and lots of pics at my VSF blog here:

Separately, I've been gearing up for the 14th Season of the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge which is always a hoot and a real highlight for me over the Summer period. I'm signed up this year for a very specific 603 points, to take me to a lifetime total of 8,000 points. 

So I'm in that agonising period where I'm prepping figs and trying to work out what projects will make the cut.  As ever, its an eclectic mix- and inevitably changes halfway through the challenge anyway!

Having just got some Moongrunt reinforcements from GZG Jon at Warfare I'm feeling every inspired by that. Helping that along are two interesting project discoveries around the net. The first is "KOSMOS 68", an alt history where Soviets dominate the Space Race and Mankind's reach for the stars. Using the Traveller system for mechanics, its fabulous artwork is really captivating. Check it out here:

And then there is "The Lunar War" project, a labour of love by fan L5Resident building Hard SF themed spaceships based on the PC game "Children of a Dead Earth". He has used a range of highly skilled 3d artists to generate amazing depictions of warships from armed stations and battleships, to fast attack craft.

All graphics from Theo Bouvier's Artstation channel here

Just the kind of craft I can imagine duking it out in the approaches to the contested Lunar orbits overhead of my Moongrunts. So yes, very inspiring to get cracking

You can follow this project via Twitter here:

And finally I've been enjoying a talented Amateur Space Photographer Andrew McCarthy who is sharing some amazing shots on Insta, including this one of the ISS transiting across the Moon. Again very Moongrunt inspirational!

Hope you are all well!


  1. As usual, all fascinating and making me jealous that you can squeeze even a little time into your hobby.

  2. Great looking your Moongrunt project and some spacecraft Paul.

    I am looking forward to the challenge myself still vacillating over my minor projects also.

    All the best

    1. cheers!
      Looking forward to catching up in person too Matt!

  3. EvilleMonkeigh here. Have you tried the PC game

    It has an "Expanse" vibe that you might find interesting.
