
30 September 2021

September Hobby Roundup

Well lockdown continued throughout the month so all hobby time was spent at the workbench.  

I've been working hard on my Kill team starter box. The terrain is all done and the Ork Kommandos are being lavished with attention. 

Named The Durty Duzen, these are the first 40k Orks I have done and I've lavished attention on these lovely sculpts. I'm having trouble getting my basing material at the moment, so while the models are done, the bases aren't. 

I'll reveal them when they are finished but here is a WIP shot for now.  In the meantime the Krieg were posted off to Reilly in Sydney so we will be good to go when we next get together.

Separately, Alan and I have split another Caesarian Army box between us for our Civil Wars project.  So I've got another 5 units of Legionaries in the pipeline now - Pullo and Vorenus are keeping me company while I work through them :-)

I may also have recently grabbed a small ebay lot of 50 odd Foundry Early Imperial Romans - they always come in handy and who can choose just one period of Romans right?... 

Only 2 months until I pack up the Man Cave (again!) and move back to Sydney.


  1. Sweet Kommando! Those Romans will look great when done.

  2. That Kommando is wonderful, love the choc chip bits and the skin tone.
