
23 August 2021

1st steps into 3d printing

Pretty chuffed with this - a week to go from liquid resin to finished

This month we started our first foray into 3d printing with our new resin printer (I was a lucky boy for my birthday!).  Amongst other test bits, we printed this piece of terrain which I have now finished painting, thanks to another round of COVID quarantine. TBH I'm rather thrilled with how its turned out, and this was the journey to get there.

Raw printed

adding basing materials


Then washes, highlights and detailing to get to the finished product:


  1. Very nice playable terrain piece. I like the rust and scenery effects. One of my personal bugbears is a ruined wall without rubble around it!

    1. Thanks mate! Me too- its always a balance between diorama and playable terrain :-)
