
01 April 2021

AHPC XI Wrap Up - Paul

It was great to be back for my seventh Challenge and to help out as a minion for the fourth time. For me it was a Season of two halves: a highly productive first period (while working from home in COVID quarantine) and then steady but stalling progress.

Not bad, but it always seems more at the time I find...

I set myself a target of 750 points and completed 863 points with key projects being Caesarian Romans and Warhammer Fantasy Beastmen. I set myself a 1k stretch goal but fell short at the end as I was renovating my grungy garage into a new gaming studio. Timing could have been better but the outcome is great!

All new lights, wall panelling, insulation, carpet and cabinets!

Overall my Minobus was probably my best single unit but I am most pleased with the way I started and completed the core units of my Caesarian Roman Army.  My most surprising project was my unplanned  monochrome Ninja experiment. Side challenge wise I was well down on skullz this year but still posted 159 noggins, and it was fun to grab 5th in the GW duel.  

Best of all it was wonderful to complete the Challenge alongside Reilly and to encourage eachother along the way and share modelling and painting ideas.

Blood for the Blood God!

Ready to Fight for Caesar!

I've now amassed just over 6000 lifetime challenge points and I'll definitely be back to add to that tally! Thanks Curt, fellow minions and everybody who contributes to the wonderful AHPC community.


  1. Hello old chap,

    That is a cracking effort and the refurbished man cave looks really good! Large G and Ts all round methinks!

    Take care old chap and regards to Right Stuff!


  2. Well done on your Challenge output mate. A cracking haul and on top of the gaming room coming together too!

    1. Thanks mate - open invitation to roll dice in the new cave!

  3. Fantastic work Paul and thanks again for your help during the Challenge. It's always such a pleasure to have you with us.

    Smashing work on your Man Cave as well! I have to get going on mine as we move into spring here.

    1. My pleasure mate - always great to be involved as well as participating
