
18 March 2021

AHPC XI: A Snarl of Minotaurs

I've been working on this entry since Christmas but its been slow going. In fact, its taken me a few years to collect these 12 old metal GW Minotaurs and its great to get this elite unit of Monstrous Infantry completed.

This massed metal Monster unit has quite some heft!

This phalanx of 12 Minotaurs is a brute shock unit - just the thing for my Beastman Army! Led by Taurox the Brass Bull, it includes a Doombull, a Bloodkine Champion, a Banner Bearer and 8 Minotaur warriors. In Warhammer terms thats around 1250 points - almost a whole army it itself. Wonderfully indulgent - cant wait to try it out on the table.

I submitted Taurox previously this challenge, so thats 11 big bad monsters at 10 points apiece for a total of 110.  That takes me across my challenge target for this season!


  1. Absolutely terrifying, Paul! You've done such a good job on the shading and colouring of the fur and skin. The figures pop hideously. I could see them being brilliant in other fantasy rules such as Dragon Rampant. I
    m sure they'll be a vote-getter in the AHPC. Bravo!

    1. Thanks Padre, most appreciated. It was a bit self indulgent but a lot of fun :-)

  2. Superb mate. I love the blood effect with the mix of dry and fresh gore on the weapons plus splatters onto the bulls. FYI have a look at Red Box Games as they have some super cheap ones that would fit in very nicely.

    1. Thanks mate - its been a bit of experimentation with the GW Technical blood paint, and I'm happy with the results. Will check them out, thanks
