
01 March 2020

AHPC X: AdMech Ryza terrain

Having foolishly accepted all three challenges for the Snowlord's Mountain, that is taking up most of my hobby attention.  That said, it would be churlish not to take a short detour to the Gulch named after me - I felt a morally obligated to go! So I'll take the track from Hawkin's Hill to O'Grady's Gulch this week.

The requirement of this map location is to paint something for somebody else.  Well, Reilly has had a bunch of Kill Team Ad Mech Ryza terrain sitting unloved while he focused on his current army, so I thought I would complete it up for him and complete his table setup.

The terrain came with the AdMech boxed set so I have done it up in colourful Mars style colours over a black basecoat. After all, SciFi gaming is all about enjoying some lurid colours on the table right? You betcha!

The collection has some nice line of sight blocking bits, as well as some cover and scatter terrain to provide cover.
And less that 24 hrs later it was pressed into action in its first tabletop battle!

Skull-o-meter: flatlined with no new noggins for this entry, sadly.

Points wise this is 1.5 terrain cubes for 30 points, plus 30 points for O'Grady's Gulch map location.

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