
02 February 2020

AHPC X: Ramshackle Barn

Some years ago I was doing a bunch of pulp gaming with some mates- lots of fun! So when Renedra released their plastic Ramshackle Barn kit in 2013 I jumped on board for a "Dunwhich Horror" style game.  I built it and undercoated but never got to doing it during AHPC IV that year, after which it languished forgotten during an overseas posting.  In the darkness of a packing box, it bided its time...

I discovered said artefact when moving house recently and decided it needed some love, so here it is: a barn useable for almost any period but especially good for WW2 Northern Europe.  Great to get it done after years of languishing!

This submission is for the Hawkins Hill map location, which requires "Submit something you prepared for Challenge 7 or earlier " - done!
That is a single terrain cube for 20 points plus 30 points for the map location for a total of 50 points.

EDIT: Note to Self: Make a seperate thatched roof for this building for earlier periods, like this great one here: