
28 October 2019

Back to Battlegroup Tobruk

I got to get my AHPC IX Oasis out on the table for the first time also!
A great return to Battlegroup after far too long yesterday, playing the second campaign scenario from the rulebook.

Slowpainter John's Italians had triumphed in the first scenario and my DAK now joined him as allies to face off against Alan's British in a desert meeting engagement.  It was a chance to field the DAK Pz IIIs and IV that I finished at the start of the year during AHPC IX.
John's "Eye-ties" move down into the wadi - these light tanks proved very resilient and fierce fighters! 
Alan's left wing moves forward!
The Matildas would indeed prove to be Queen of the Desert this day
Move to contact! My Panzers taking the right flank

But not for long - this after a single salvo from Alan. Well it was their first battle after all I guess!
But my PzIV quickly struck back with its 75mm, taking out a Matilda. it proved to be my only success for the day though

AP fire intensifies, with losses on both sides
 We called it on time, with the British ahead of BR remaining so we called it an allied tactical Victory.  A great game which reminded me why I like the Battlegroup system so much.


  1. A bruising encounter for the Germans, but it does look like a lot of fun Paul.

    1. Bruising indeed but also most definitely fun!

  2. It was lots of fun and excellent to see those AHPC tanks finally hit the table. And get brewed up!

    1. Lots of fun indeed - thanks for hosting mate!
