
17 April 2019

DAK Army "completed"

Over the past two years (and two Analogue Hobby Painting Challenges) I have been building a 15mm Afrika Korps force, principally for use with Battlegroup Tobruk and Battlegroup Torch.  Well its finally finished so I thought it was high time for some group shots of the force.

Its been a fun slow grow project (though it wasn't intended to be quite so slow grow) and I particularly enjoyed finding and using all the early war vehicles and their variants which saw such great use in the desert.
Recon ACs, Pz I, II, III, IV and IV Specials

I'm really pleased with how the battered yet cohesive colours give this the look of a worn, veteran force.  Models are a thorough mix of Forged in Battle, Battlefront and PSC.
Big Guns!
The only thing yet to come is a certain captured Matilda tank, which continues to elude capture (doesn't it Alan!)

DAK Infantry with Truck, Hanomag and Motorcycle options

What Army is complete without a storage solution?
Though what army is really complete... ever!


  1. Really impressive project, a lovely cohesive veteran look to all of them, great painting and basing!
    Best Iain

  2. What a tremendous collection Paul, I am very envious.

    1. Thanks indeed Michael! Thats high praise indeed!
      There are hordes of bloggers who are envious of your collections :-)

  3. Cracking stuff mate. I love the palette you have used on these. Makes me want to get my DAK on the table again!

    1. Thanks mate, appreciated!
      I think the trick was being a little inconsistent to give them a battered and worn look :-)

  4. Grand stuff. A fine collection... although I would actually call it just getting started 😉😉😉😉

  5. That's a lot of Chermans. Can't wait to see all of them crushing those Rats (and capturing that Matilda)

    1. Looking forward to doing it alongside my favourite eye-tie allies mate! :-)

  6. Fantastic stuff- I like the consistent battered look they have. Well done!

    What's next?!

    1. Thanks mate, that was the intent anyway!

      Whats next? Far too much. I am over-committed on projects - as usual!

  7. Superb work. Im glad to se your force does have the required Tiger I. All WW2 German miniature armies need at least 1 Tiger to be complete.

    The weathering work is very well done.

    1. Thanks indeed Miles. Actually, this is the first Tiger model I own. I am ashamed and will rectify that for my other (post 42) German WW2 Armies immediately!

  8. Looking great. Never say completed though, there is always something else that you did not realise you needed ;)

    1. Indeed so Paul - I found a couple of tanks that need Commander figures added to them!
