
21 April 2017

More Redcoats!

Just before Easter I received reinforcements from Front Rank miniatures for my British FIW Army.  I also got my new sabot bases from Warbases to help rank them up and speed game play up (moving all those figures was taking quite a toll on game play).  So I got busy over the great and here is the result.

Overall, I've added a mounted Officer as a commander, another unit of Regular Infantry and this unit of Grenadiers in fur covered mitres.  The figures match up well against my Warlord ones and the uniform differences are relatively minor and simply add variety.

Now in train is a final unit of Infantry and another light infantry unit.   I also still need to paint and flock the sabot bases, and have this WIP Senior Officer figure underway (any likeness to Trump is entirely accidental!)


  1. Absolutely splendid Paul. what a fine body of men.

    1. Thanks Michael, I'm very pleased with them

  2. Some of your best work IMHO mate. The red / green colour combo is wonderful.

    1. I humbly think so too. I love the red /green from a Zulu war project so kept with it even though I risk a button counter telling me that that Regiment wasn't in North America during the FIW :-)

  3. Beautiful work there Paul!

  4. Really nice work - as ever your painting is really impressive Paul. One day, if you're stuck for time, I would love to see a step-by-step on the technique you use for painting flesh tones. It's always been something I've struggled with - hence my preference for 2mm!

    1. I think its certainly improving with more consistent output rates.

      I have always disliked flesh too, but this is a very simple 3 step process of: base coast, flesh wash and then highlight.
      Its just coming out better than ever before :-)
