
09 April 2017

FIW Scatter Terrain

A few pieces of scatter terrain I recently made for our FIW games. Its been fun to do some terrain after all the figs during the painting challenge :-)

Firstly, some rocky outcrops, made from bark.  I spray painted them black and then drushbrushed with cheap acrylics before my standard basing process.
4 different sizes and 2 different base shapes, because I'm not sure which I prefer yet :-)

Learning from previous projects, I ensured the outcrops had flat surfaces so figs would stand  comfortably on them.

And also some deadfall sections for use in forests, made from bits from the garden and mounted on MDF scraps.

 Again, I left space on the bases to fit the figures on, so they can move through them as required on the table


  1. Bark is a wonderful thing and those rocky outcrops look superb, that said I shall be stealing the mossy log idea - very cool!

  2. I really like the moss on the logs. I prefer a more organic basing- curves rather than straight edges- for natural features.

  3. Excellent stuff there Paul! Love the bark rocks, I have been using them for years. Very effective.

  4. Brilliant stuff - the rocks look great

  5. Excellent rocks! Will need to try that idea myself.

  6. Great pieces! I have been trying to find "Bark" everywhere here in Massachusetts - no joy!
    Dick Bryant

  7. Nice work. You've struck a good balance between looking good and being playable.

  8. Great stuff mate. You can never have enough scatter terrain IMHO

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