
21 March 2017

Painting Challenge VII - final submission

Times up - brushes down! AHPC VII has come to its inevitable conclusion
Major Brinkworth leads from the front with his Impressive Weapon!

To complete my AHPC VII submissions and add to last week's submission of Major Brinkworth and his redcoats, I present another 12 musketeers, a colour party and two sergeants.  I've continued with the green facings of the 24th Regiment and the relatively clear bases to reflect their role as Regular infantry in more open ground.
Unfortunately, the additional few figs I need to complete a full third unit under Sharp Practice 2 and the flags I bought for the colour party haven't yet arrived yet and are still a week or two away so will miss the challenge.

Sergeants Garside and Hanson reassure the lads in action and administer a good slap to those who need it maintain their resolve.  Plus those halberds tend to give any adversary pause for thought!
My more usual view of the lads as they go into action.

I'm really pleased with how the coats came out, emphasising their "bloody back" nickname
Here are all the lads together (combined with last week's submission), ready to take on Dux's French this week - I trust their performance will justify the effort required to paint all that b%@$dy lace!  It really finishes off the figures though, and the unit as a whole.
Firing Line: What British regulars do best, right Dux?
"These smell tasty Daddy..."
Finally, here are 7 war hounds from the Gripping Beast Irish Warband boxed set but intended more immediately for my Fantasy army as lesser war beasts.  These were dropped into the paint queue at the last minute to get me past 1200 points (after my flags and extra redcoats didn't arrive in time).
Odin poses with his little lead cousins...
"These smell even tastier..."
...and thats why one of the war hound models looks a little more veteran than the other.
Inevitable really!
Thats 16 Redcoats, 7 warhounds and a small supply base (not worth points, but I needed another deployment point) to complete my AHPC VII adventures. My initial target was 850 so to get to 1200ish for a personal best result is very satisfying indeed!

You can see this submission at the AHPC blog here: From PaulO'G: Last Submission - More 28mm Redcoats...

Thanks to everyone (especially Curt and my Tuesday co-minion Dux) for all the fun, comments and chats - I'm already looking forward to Season 8!


  1. Am I the first to crack the inevitable joke about Major Brinkworth's great weapon?

  2. Redcoats! And a puppy! This post has it all.
    I've enjoyed your entries in this year's challenge, your SYW figures are top notch.

  3. Great paint up and Great hound.

  4. Great fun all round, wonderful miniatures and a cute factor - what's not to like?

  5. Another great entry, well done Paul.

  6. Great stuff Paul! Love the hound too.

  7. You must have that dog well trained to let him get so close to your lovely figs!
