
08 March 2017

AHPC VII 'Character/Scene' Bonus Round: 'Helped by a cup of tea'

I had planned and even completed a different character earlier in the challenge with this bonus round in mind.  Then I finally got hold of this figure so that I could  pay homage to one of my favourite ever movie scenes, from the classic 1977 flick "A Bridge Too Far."

Scene: In the aftermath of the disastrous initial landings at Arnhem, Major General Robert Urquhart, Commander of the British Airborne Division (played by Sean Connery) considers how things are going:

General Urquhart: Hancock - I've got lunatics laughing at me from the woods. My original plan has been scuppered now that the jeeps haven't arrived. My communications are completely broken down. Do you really believe any of that can be helped by a cup of tea?

Cpl Hancock: Couldn't hurt, sir. [Urquhart accepts his mug of tea]

I try to emulate him when things go pear shaped at work...

So here he is, flanked by a pair of sten toting paras that had eluded my earlier attentions (the jeep was submitted earlier in the challenge so is here to copy the movie set only). 

Tea drinking Para figure by Northstar and is a welcome addition to my Brit Para force, either as a senior commander or an objective marker.

This AHPC entry is located here: 'Characters/Scene from' PaulOg: 'Helped by a cup o...

And the points for this entry gets me past my 1000 point objective - Huzzah!  Time to up it to 1150 to inspire me for the last fortnight.


  1. Congratulations! North Star do some lovely character figures, don't they? And a strong choice for the (possibly) maroon mug - no self-respecting para would be seen drinking out of anything but that. A great film as well! My personal favourite is the G2 chap at the start being shouted down for spotting the SS Panzer Division having a spot of leave...

  2. Great looking figure(s) and jeep and a top film. I've watched a few times over the winter trying to motivate me with my latest project 15mm British paras.
    Great brushwork.

  3. Splendid work Paul, such an iconic scene too - great job Sir.

  4. A cuppa sorts most things out mate! V nice

  5. Can't go wrong with a cup of tea! Lovely stuff Paul
