
21 July 2016

New Gladiators

While a match of Jugula requires precisely four Gladiators on each team, in the campaign setting a Ludus may have up to six Gladiators, allowing for recuperation from wounds between matches and some armature/type diversity in the stables.  My Ludus Caeruleus (Blue School) already boasts a Thraex, Retiarius, Murmillo and Provocatur (see here) but I wanted additional redundancy.  So behold the latest additions to my retinue, fresh from the painting table.
First up is Nemo the Secutor, a heavy class sometimes known as the Contra-Retiarius (Foundry figure).  I cursed Alan constantly as I expended an inordinate amount of time hand painting the shield, but such is the standard of our gaming group - use decals to your eternal shame!

Second is the Dimarchearius Rufus Fortis (Foundry figure) who hails from northern Gaul and wields two blades for maximum offence. And with that red flowing beard he is clearly a favourite of the Patrician ladies...

And for a bit of a change here is a casualty figure.  I decided not to tempt fate by painting him in the colours of Ludus Caeruleus and instead left him generic.  Jugula doesn't use casualty figures, but we want to try adding them as additional obstacles as Gladiators fall (and no attacking them, this is an honourable and glorious contest you know!)

While the campaign with Alan is continuing, thats probably going to do me for this Ludus.
I'm keen to go with a different mix of types in a new Ludus, and with a new colour scheme too!
The familia of Ludus Caeruleus pause from training to pose for a publicity lithograph


  1. Nice job like the wounded chap as well quite characterful looking mini.

  2. Fabulous work Paul, such a brutal bunch - loving the gore!

    1. Thanks Michael, appreciated.

      Its far too easy to go over the top with gore. Sometimes less is more to get the right effect I think.

  3. I want to play Glads, BUT never found a set of rules I like! Seeing these I may have to have a fresh look for some good rules.

    1. I quite like the massed 4 v 4 impact that Jugula has, and its campaign system is excellent
      That said, I'm also looking for that elusive 1 v1 match so Alan and I can insert a "Ludi Champion" type of matchup into that.

      I'll be looking at Red Sand Blue Sky initially for that

  4. Really nice work Paul. The whole team/ludus looks great.

  5. Excellent work
    If one shows up with shield decals does it require a negative dice modifier or just public ridicule?

    1. Public Ridicule is a first offence penalty.
      Brutal, enduring and applicable on all social media, we have yet to have a repeat offender!

  6. Good work, Paul.
    Morituri te salutant! ;-)

  7. Looking really good. A bunch of mighty fine Gladiators. cheers

  8. Lovely, excellent fun, those. Casualty miniature: Sometimes I feel guilty enjoying the miniature suffering as I do but not often enough to stop me from making the same sorts of renderings...

    1. Me too - it seems to be more personal when its a skirmish individual game like this.
      My fav pulp ones are those captured , bounded and hoodwinked agent figures that Uncle Mike makes. Very sinister...
