
06 March 2016

Dieselpunk Combat Cars

Over the weekend we journeyed south to Melbourne for a family wedding.  A very busy weekend in which we packed a lot into (but which didn't do my hobby challenge total any good).  We boys also manage to skive off for a few hours to catch up with old gaming friends Pete and Ken, and we all ducked off to visit Nic Robson at Eureka Miniatures:
The Lad at Eureka this weekend...
...and back in Sep 2011!
As always, Nic had many nice things, some of which came home with me.  While these aren't quite ready for release, I was quite taken with the prototypes of these retro styled vehicles.  Perfect for A Very British Civil War style game, or some sort of cool Dieselpunk car wars.  I don't play either of those but I can see I'm just going to have to make some of the in due course, they just tickle my fancy!

There are three models for the initial release.  First up is this neat single man three wheeler sporting twin water-cooled machine guns and powered by a aerial style rotary engine:

Then there is this larger two seater model with a gunner armed with traversable twin Lewis guns 

And the 3rd model will be a longer bodied V12 built for speed.
That one might need a Nordenfelt gun! :-)


  1. Love the vehicles! The Buggatti with the tail gunners rocks.

  2. Those are very, very nice.

  3. My word the lad is shooting up! Fabulous looking prototypes.

  4. Great looking vehicles! Would definitely be great for a dieselpunk adventure!
