
11 January 2016

18,000 Kms of Adventure!

What a whirlwind of a month!

We departed the US in mid December, enjoyed a fantastic week sightseeing in London and spent an amazing week in Norway enjoying Christmas with friends.  We then journeyed home via Singapore, enjoyed New Years in Sydney (and Catching up with the Dux! of course) and then visited family and friends in Melbourne and Canberra. The Lad enjoyed his 15th Birthday amongst that lot too. Phew!

Along the way we managed to see some fantastic stuff and in addition to the typical tourist sights:
Catching The Force Awakens in a London Cinema
A few pints with David - my old mate from A Wargaming Odyssey
A bona fide Dalek at the BBC
The truly inspiring Agincourt diorama at the Tower of London: 2,000 28mm figs! 
Norway - it had to be done
One of the many delights of the frozen North!
1:1 Scale X-Wing gaming: up close with a T-70 at Singapore Airport - very cool!
NYW Fireworks at Sydney's Darling Harbour with the museum ship HMAS Vampire in the foreground
So back to reality now (finding a house, cars, etc) which is far more humdrum.  On a brighter note I did just retrieve my box of paints from my Dad's shed.  So at least now I can start to consider applying some pigment to something - I am a little behind even in my meagre Analogue Painting Challenge this year...


  1. What a great way to spend that long trip home. To think, you could have done it all in one flight. That wouldn't have been nearly as good.

  2. What a great wee journey Paul!

  3. Bruce,

    Glad to see you are home safe and sound AND you have your paints ready to go. My son Bruce down in DC just dislocated his shoulder after falling on the ice during New Years Eve and won't be painting anything for at least a few weeks. He is not happy!

    BTW, where is the wattle?


    1. Thanks Bruce!

      Sorry to hear that Bruce is a bit crook Bruce. Tell me we will crack a few tins to drink to his rapid return to health.

      Funny you should ask about the Wattle, my Bruce asked me that too! Will have to wait until Spring I'm afraid.

      Good on yer,
