
01 January 2016

The Cunning Plan for 2016

Happy New Year to you all!

After our adventures through London and Norway in recent week (posts to follow), we saw the fireworks last night home in Sydney.  So now its time to contemplate what I might attempt in 2016, particularly as I will be reunited with all my gaming and modelling stuff in a month or two. First up is:

- Analogue Painting Challenge: I've yet to complete an entry.  I have a special 10,000 mile entry to complete and I'm hoping to get some 6mm ECW stuff completed too.  Fingers crossed.

- Attending CanCon 2016 later this month, including the Aussie Bloggers' Meet-Up (Aussie Bloggers Meet-Up: CanCon 2016)

- Get into some regular gaming with Dux and his merry men.

Gaming releases I am really looking forward to this year:
- Battlegroup Tobruk - WW2 Desert expansion for my favourite period rules set
- Blood Eagle - Viking skirmishing by the author of In Her Majesty's Name (I already have the figures and terrain right?)
- Dragon Rampart
- Poseidon’s Warriors – Fleet actions in the Classical period 480BC-31BC
- The Hunters - WW2 solo submarine boardgame against the Imperial Japanese

Hmmm...this looks to be a suspiciously small list, what have I forgotten?

Projects in no particular order:
- 6mm ECW.  I'm doing the Royalists while Dux does the Parliamentarians
- X-Wing campaign
- 15mm North Africa
- Finish off my Irish and Norman armies for SAGA
- Muskets and Tomahawks/Flint and Feather
- whatever the Lad gets himself into with his school gaming group - Jugula might be the first starting point
- rediscovering my trove of Epic miniatures and 15mm Vietnam goodies
- Napoleonic Sail gaming

Plus the inevitable shiny, redirection, and more shiny.  Overall though, a refocus on painting and playing after 18 months without 'stuff'.  But first I have to get into the new house and setup the new Man Cave.  A much smaller abode in Sydney so no permanent gaming setup this time. C'est la vie


  1. It looks like a good plan. No rush at all on working on those 6mm ECW models. I have a couple of those on my list for next year as well. It will be interesting to see how some of those new games shake out. Welcome home and good luck in the new year. I hope all of your hard work over the last 18 months pays off.

    1. Thanks Alan, and it is compiled as a basis for change anyway :-)
      I'm looking forward to getting into my ECW hordes, the delay will be establishing the Man Cave and getting all my stuff in order. In a suitable and domestically prioritised timeframe of course!

  2. Poseidon's Warriors might be interesting...

    Happy New Year!

    1. I've been interested in Trireme style gaming for awhile now so it might rekindle long dormant desire to buy some 1/1200 fleets...

  3. Welcome back Paul. Looking forward to rolling a few dice with you this year.

  4. A cunning plan, here's to the new year and may it be a damn good one!

  5. Good luck with the cunning plan in 2016!

  6. Thanks Fran - I'll drink to that!

  7. Pinterest has some good ideas on tables that are compact and covertable for those with limted Cave space?
    In any case I'm sure you will adapt improvise and overcome!!!!
    Good gaming for 2016 dude!

    1. Where there's a will eh?
      Well I know where my big gaming tables are if I ever have another Man Cave big enough to suit them :-)

      Hopefully something in 2016 will include both of us!
