
01 October 2015

Tanktober Begins!

Happy Tanktober everyone!

Tanktober is a month to zealously promote tracked behemoths.  Hard to argue with that really!

As I have no ability to model or build tanks in my current condition, I will be dedicating my Tanktober homage activities this year to publishing pictures of tanks, but only those which I have personally taken.

The reciprocal challenge to you guys is to identify the tank pictured each day.
I'll keep a tally and whoever gets the most points over the month will win a prize!
Bonus points for being the first to get the right answer and/or the location :-)

We shall start with an easy one to get you going:


  1. T34/85 from a Soviet Guards unit.

  2. Replies
    1. Doh, a typo. Of course it's a T34/85 and nothing else.

  3. Sweet! As it turns out, I've been working on some tanks for tank-tober, tank-tober-fest, or "tanks-giving" (take your pick!)

    1. Excellent - I'll look forward to seeing them!
      You did, however, forget to leave your answer :-)

  4. T-34/85. I love the Mickey Mouse effect of the hatches.

    Hmm..I need to build some T-34/85 tank models.

  5. Well... Seconding the most common guess I think it's a T-34/85 too. Unfortunately the turret number isn't visible but it looks like the one standing in Kubinka Tank Museum.

    1. I wish it was Kubinka Stefan - I've always wanted to go there!
      One of the few countries I haven't gotten to yet. One day perhaps...

  6. T34-85 and if it was in my backyard my wife would have killed me
