
14 September 2015

Terrain Modelling Inspiration

Last week my family visited Plymouth Rock and the nearby plantation which has reconstructions of the traditional native American village of the region and a Pilgrim Village, circa 1620-30.

I found it to be very interesting from a modelling perspective and snapped a whole bunch of pictures of the architecture and building materials.  While they might be 17th Century/ECW period, they clearly have applicability for a wide range of genres.  Here are some of them:

Here are the pics from the Indian village:


  1. Very nice. I´d like to have a go at scratchbuilding a couple of those. I like the Details like smoke hole at the top of the gable end - pic 3 from top and wooden clad chimneys..all Wood or a brick/Stone lining? Best pics of the native american houses I´ve seen.

    1. Every house was different and clearly reflected the skills and preferences of each individual. The houses had a clay hearth (no bricks in the early colonies) and inner core of the chimney up to around head height. I think I have some internal pics as well so I'll do another post with those for you Paul.

  2. Aside from the Indian Village it reminds me of a village we drove through in the Ukraine a few years back. Humans are a resourceful bunch with the use of local materials to provide us with shelter, makes a nice change from a cave or lean to.

  3. Nice pictures Paul. You could definitely get some ideas from these.

  4. Fantastic photos Paul! Very useful for ideas!

  5. Great photos - thanks for sharing them.


  6. Nice, thanks for sharing. I've been getting the itch to start Muskets & Tomahawks and this doesn't help! :-)

  7. Excellent pictures. Many thanks for the inspiration, Paul.
