
02 May 2015

Iron Butterflies in a Killer Jungle

Still got the Vietnam bug at the moment, which is frustrating with all my stuff 10,000 miles away...

In reinvigorating my interest in Brown Water Navy stuff ahead of the Battlefront releases, I recalled this demo game "Iron Butterflies in a Killer Jungle" from Salute 2014.  Some very neat stuff here an some ideas on how to put together a delta style table.  In fact, I'm wondering if it would be better to build a 4x4 table painted up as brown water and varnished, and then lay strips of land terrain over that...

Here is some of the real life History behind the Iron Butterflies and the Rung Sat Special Zone

Pic from


  1. I think your idea of a brown table with land laid over it is the way to go. It gives you so much more flexibility than the other way round.

  2. Very nice. I watch with interest...

  3. Agree too with brown table and overlaid terrain, after all is that not what most of us do with most of our games.

  4. Agreed on the idea as stated.

  5. Yeah, put me down as another brown water with overlaid land vote as well.

  6. That's a great looking table.

  7. OK, looks like we have an accord. My biggest concern at this point will be how to stop a 2x2 section of wood warping when it has a few coats of paint applied followed by marine varnish. Maybe using a thicker mdf base will be the trick

  8. If you prime the wood with an oil primer first it should keep the warping down, since the water-based paint won't over-penetrate and drink in. You could also attach the 2x2 section to a frame of 2x4's.
