
13 September 2014

Progress in the Deadzone

Comrade James Reporting: A day off from work looking after a sick Stepson meant I was able to hook into my Deadzone terrain and figures.....and that continued today as well :-)
I managed to assemble, without gluing all my box set terrain, and today I glued together both the Enforcers and Plague figures, ready for a sample game tomorrow, with luck....
The Enforcers, elite human soldiers of the Corporation

The Plague, alien mutation-infected hordes.....

...led by the Stage 1, a huge model, and extremely nasty in the game...

All the terrain from the starter set, assembled, awaiting painting....

More progress reports to follow as I try and get as much done as possible this weekend. Next step is terrain painting, and I'll start having a crack at the figures.....


  1. Very nice!
    Your AT-43 containers would also go very well on that table

  2. Indeed they would! In fact, I can see the AT-43 figs getting a new lease of life on this terrain, with a few rules tweaks to wok out their stats.....
