
16 July 2014

Safe and Sound, plus flickering explosion markers

2 days at Universal Studios was just what the Dr ordered...well a certain Lad did anyway!
Ahoy from the USA Man Cave denizens! The clan is now in New England safe and sound after a few days in LA en route and is now busy arranging the various related domestics.  More on that shortly but thanks to everyone for their well wishes.  Looks like we will be in a hotel for more than a few weeks while our new house is made ready so I'll be living vicariously through others' blogs for awhile yet!

And to that end may I point you toward Eric of the wonderfully named Shed Wars blog, who has made some lovely flickering destruction markers just perfect for either 15 or 28mm tanks.  I've wanted to make some of these for ages but never got to it - I even have 2 packets of the electric lights in the Man Cave.  Well I did, they are in storage now waiting for some love when I get home, but at least I'll know what to do now! Check out Eric's work here:

Eric's stirling work- pic from his blog


  1. Thanks for the positive comments...

    Eric the Shed

  2. Glad to hear you've arrived safe and sound. Shame you're going to be stuck in a hotel for a while

  3. Universal studios would have been lots of fun for the family.

  4. Welcome to the states! Since you've been to our cultural mecca, Universal Studios, it's pretty much downhill for now on. Or maybe not

    Let me know when you can down to the Chesapeake Bay, we'll host you and the family in St Michaels and then go crush the Lads from the Academy in sail boat racing (they hate to loose). Of course, since you out rank me, you'll have the option to skipper the boat!

  5. Good to hear all going to plan! I loved those lights and definitely looking for an excuse to build some.

  6. Does sound like you are settling in! When do you get your new abode sorted? Any chance of a temporary Man Cave?
