
20 March 2014

The Fat Lady has Sung!

The timer has expired and the 4th Annual Painting Challenge has come to an end!
Having set ourselves 500 point challenge totals, how did we go?

Not too badly as it turns out!  Alan smashed it in just one point shy of an amazing 1350 points to take 13th place overall and beat us hands down.  Well done old bean!  I finished off with just over 850 points in 25th place and Comrade James heroically pulled himself across the finish line with 522 points in 42nd place despite having moved house in the middle of the challenge.  Bravo to all.

Thanks especially to Curt for running a fantastic competition, and for all the other mad buggers out there who participated and provided such great motivation and enthusiasm to deliver.  I've done more in the last 3 months than the last 3 years, easily.  Among other things I started and finished a new Army (my 28mm Paras) within 2 months and have now used them three times on the table...and at 1 win and 2 draws I claim them to be undefeated!

Thanks to all for a most invigorating and enjoyable activity, and congrats to all who participated.
This is indeed the blogosphere at its very best.

Read the final round-up here:


  1. A little early to be declaring final places and points - there are still entries to be posted and the points from the Last Stand to take account of.

    It's great that the three of you have been able to spur each other on and all achieve the 500 point target.

  2. It has been an absolute pleasure to be involved in the challenge with so many other bloggers. I will save my final comment on the subject until all the points are in.

  3. Well done Paul. I'm pretty sure it's a scientific fact that any army completed during the painting challenge is nigh unbeatable on the table top. It has something to do with dark matter, quantum physics and such. Yup pretty sure that's the case.

    I can't imagine moving house and still competing - that's very impressive Mr james

    1. Thanks mate, it meant most of December and early Jan was out for me, so I just had to work harder later, as the graph clearly shows! :-)

  4. Great effort Paul, well I painted very little in that time but have decided with my son to restart our Tale of Two armies from oh.....4 years ago and have my first 250 points of miniatures painted for 40k. A game I tend to play just with him. So the competitions continue. These are great motivators and as winter comes up here in the southern hemisphere I can see me licking brushes more often too. Hope to catch up soon, maybe winter con?

  5. Jolly well done chaps, still points been tallied I understand, but that doesn't diminish from your sterling efforts.

  6. That's what's great about the Challenge, you pressure yourself into painting and get a hell of a lot more done than normal!

  7. A really enjoyable experience. I hope to do it again next year and increase my target as I managed to go past it. Mostly though because I entered every single bonus round. Well done to you Paul for reaching your goal and getting an army completed.

  8. Well done lads getting to your targets. Even better that you had fun doing it.

  9. Very good, Paul, and many congrats for reaching the target.


  10. Well done Paul! It's a great idea to have you and your mates' progress charted out, very cool.
