
02 March 2014

Painting Comp Progress: The Last Big Push

With less than three weeks to run, we see that the Dux's impressive pace continues and his lead is virtually untouchable.  He is also only a whisker away from his revised challenge total of 1200 points- impressive!  I too am almost at my revised challenge total of 800 points and am happy with my productivity despite the intrusion of significant real life factors.  Comrade James is starting to hit his stride now and with his works currently in progress should make his 500 points in the nick of time - good luck mate!


  1. It has been a crazy journey... I'm not claiming victory yet, but I have really enjoyed the challenge overall, and our side competition. It has certainly helped me clear some of my lead pile, which of course has now been more than replaced. I think a personal triumph for you was mastering the painting of the Denison smocks. Well done!

  2. The last few weeks of the challenge are the best time - we'll see some of the sandbaggers spring to life and for the rest of us with dwindling lead piles we'll start painting up stuff that we don't even remember buying - it's a grand event

    Good luck!

  3. Wahoo! Perhaps I should start attacking my painting seriously!
    Been a lot fun so far.
