
27 January 2014

CanCon 2014

We have survived another CanCon experience and a great year it was (much to the detriment of my Painting Challenge progress!).  Good mates Pete and Ken came up from Melbourne for the event a few days before hand in which we took in some of the local sights, including the Australian War memorial, and enjoyed a bunch of games.
Right Stuff at the entrance, ready to Blood Bowl!
CanCon was a buzzing maelstrom of tournaments, traders and events, and a range of friends both old and new were seen.  Sadly the Dux could make the journey this year but it was great to meet fellow blogger Chris of the Moruya Marauders. After his experience at the Crusades participation game I'm looking forward to reading his thoughts on the Deus Vult rules.
Comrade James deploys his Germans onto the field of battle in Bolt Action
Games wise, Pete Ken and I played a range of participation and demo games in the three days, while Right Stuff played in the 7 match Blood Bowl tournament, and Comrade James contested the Bolt Action tourney.  They will post on their successes and highlights separately.

Purchase wise I was very, very bad...which was very very fun!  More detail at another time but thanks to John and Ian from War and Peace Games, Nic from Eureka Miniatures and Mick from Mick's Metal Models for looking after me so well.  No doubt my credit card will be confiscated shortly.  Among the trader eye candy was this impressive couple of chaps from Grotto Wargames Furniture who make wargaming furniture - dining tables that convert into gaming table by removing the tops to reveal the fun underneath.  Draws in the side hold terrain and models - brilliant!
And after desert..SAGA anyone?
The coffee table gaming table was also most impressive
Here are some random eye candy shots, starting with some Dead Man's Hand for you Dux!

Something different: British take on Italians in Eritrea in a very early war participation game

The Flames of War and Warmachine tourneys in full swing
Part of the FoW Kursk mini campaign; lovely terrain...

...but somewhat silly in execution to my mind
A stunning Infinity table
Like I need more help rolling 1s!
The Siege of Antioch underway using Deus Vult!
More on the Deus Vult game at Chris's blog here:

Thats it for now - more to follow after a good sleep!

Couldn't agree more :-)


  1. Always good to see things in different parts of the world. I particularly like the Eritrea Game. I could have seen more pics of that and no mistake.

  2. Looks like a great outing! I think the "cursed dice" was intended to be purchased as gifts for your friends to use in gaming! Here buddy, I got you a new D20! Roll-1, Roll-1, Roll-1. They scratch their head "Hey, this dice is defective..."

  3. That looks like a seriously fun day out, looking forward to hearing of the purchases!

  4. Thanks for the update! Wish I could have made it. Really looking forward to hearing more about deus vult from Chris.

  5. Great to see. Must get down and go again one year.

  6. Lots of eye candy there! Great post. Thank you sir!

  7. Yep great three days at CanCon, and just for you and Alan I'll do a run through of both CanCon and Deus Vult, the short version was that it is really good and easy to pick up, movement is quite big but this moves the game along at a cracking pace. Really though it is not the game rules but the people you play with that make it. Thus thanks to the or for the effort and fun 3 day campaign.

  8. looks like a lot of fun all round!

  9. Cool, thanks for sharing the pics!

  10. great images of what looked like a great weekend.

    Thanks for placing them up
