
20 June 2012

Pulp Gaming by Candlelight

Just found these on my computer and realised I hadn't posted them - they are from some Pulp games played (using the Strange Aeons rules) back in January when the Man Cave hosted Pete, Ken and Comrade James for Cancon.

We played two games, the first of which saw the players' Threshold Agents trying to defend a convoy of relics and materials on loan from the Cairo Institute.  Wouldn't you know it but some damned cheeky cultists sprung up and tried to hijack some of the goods!

 The contents of the two sarcophagi appeared to be the Cultists' targets, whose wrapped inhabitants were a lot more animated that anticipated... 

Despite the Agents' best efforts, the two Mummies and a couple of Cultists managed to scamper away into the night...
The right hat is essential in any Expedition!
The second night's gaming was really cool - having gotten a lead from the Cultists speeding away, the Threshold teams infiltrated the Manor house to investigate.  What was super cool was that the whole game was played under candlelight with spooky background music playing- the atmosphere was just fantastic!
Of course candles make it very difficult to take pics but these give you the right idea

The summer night was hot, made hotter by the candles, the beer flowed very freely indeed and we all had a great time.  I don't recall the details too much, but I remember I laughed a lot as the tale unfolded to an ultimately victorious conclusion for Threshold!


  1. Rock on! The candles was a nice touch!

  2. Super looking game and that white car is really quite nice!


  3. That sounded like a lot of fun!

  4. That just looks superb! I love the idea of the candlelit game, wonderful.

  5. Thanks for sharing. Nice figures and layout. "Mood-elements" are definitely a plus to game ambiance and enjoyment in my opinion. Well done, Sir.

  6. Very atmospheric game! Well done.

  7. Nice addition of the atmosphere. Lighting and music. Lots of fun.

  8. I always loved playing outside in summer.
    Beer and Candlelight, what else does one need?

  9. Candles are a great idea, must try that some time.

  10. Looks like great fun, amd I'm all for silly hats and atmospherics!

  11. Great stuff! I'd love to Pulp gaming. I might have to try the candlelight thing for my next game of Fury Of Dracula.

