
01 June 2012

Dystopian Wars- Kingdom of Brittannia

Been a while, but thought I would take the opportunity to share some work-in-progress pics of my Kingdom of Brittannia Fleet for the steampunk game Dystopian Wars, by Spartan Games. Paul introduced me to Spartan Games through Uncharted Seas, their first offering which is a fantasy naval combat game. When they released Dystopian wars, which is a game of sea,air and land warfare in an 1850's steampunk version of Earth, I lept into it with both feet. The game uses the same mechanics regardless of the type of units, so the gunnery and movement rules for your naval units are the same for your land units. Makes the game very versatile, and the air units are quite well handled, sufficient complexity to demonstrate their utility, but without unnecessary book keeping.
It is one of the few mini games I know of that enables you to fight a complete sea to land engagement, with all types of units being accurately represented. (well, as accurate as steampunk can be!)

These are my painted units so far, and I wouldn't call any of them finished but definitely table ready. Craig of the D6 Generation recently stated that the minis really reward you for any effort in their detail and finished look, and I agree totally, I'm not the worlds best painter but I like how most of these are coming out.
My in progress carrier, HMS Argonaut
My pair of Vanguard Class submarines,HM Ships Victory and Vengeance, surfaced

The flagship, the Majesty Class Dreadnought, HMS Monarch. (with aft turreted painted as Commodore pennant to indicate Commodores Flagship)

My Ruler Class Battleship HMS Retribution
3 of my 9 Attacker CLass Frigates, HM Ships Ardent,Attack and Ambush

I'll post more shortly, but thats to whet the appetite. The other great thing about Dystopian Wars is that a starter fleet costs about $50, AUS and US, and it gives you tiny flyers as well (pics to follow) that are your fighters,dive bombers, torpedo bombers and recon/spotter planes. The starter fleets are well rounded, and quick to paint up.

I'll give an overview of gameplay in another post in due course.


  1. Great work. I have had two games so far and it seems OK so far.
    The models paint up really well.

  2. Great stuff buddy - love the splinter camo!!!

  3. Excellent work. The water is effect is very intriguing.

  4. Excellent work. The Britannia models are some of the best looking in the game

  5. Thanks for the comments, I wasn't sure about the splinter camouflage at first but really needed something to break up the dull greys , it worked out all right in the end.:) Britannia ships have a great theme running through them, its another thing I love about how Spartan does this range

  6. The water effect mat is the one from Dreadfleet by Games Workshop, which people are selling on Ebay as a seperate item. The effect on the sub bases was my first attempt at a water effect after years of staring down at wakes and water rushing past real ships hulls.

  7. Lovely minis and paint jobs, congrats!
    The scale of the models reminds me of another ill cared GW pearl (IMO) - Battlefleet Gothic.

    Overview of game play? Yes please!

  8. Great job, especially the HMS Monarch. I like the colour scheme.
