
23 May 2012

Shamrock Cup 2012: Championship Match

With the Shamrock Cup ties up with 1 win each after the last game, the final match would decide all.  James met me last week to play for Eternal Glory...
James's Dark Elves vs my Skaven: Pre-Match Lineout
My Skaven won the toss and elected to Receive, while the Dark Elves won +1 FAME.
The ball dropped in the centre of the Rats' half, and their front line went in with a Quick Snap!

First block of the match was by Storm Vermin No 6 who went in hard, badly hurting a Dark Elf lineman - a handy start to the match!  A hole appeared in the front line and the Gutter Runners poured through deep into enemy territory.  The Skaven thrower scooped up the ball and waited for an opening.  The Dark Elves reacted quickly, running back to cover all the runners, and smashing one to the ground.  An elf Blitzer went in to foul - snake eyes - see you later, ejected for the rest of the game.  Some Skaven Linemen then caught up to clear a path and the Rat Thrower threw a beautiful long bomb right into the claws of a Gutter Runner waiting in the end zone: 1 zip

The Dark Elves lined up to receive, only to have the Skaven pull off a Blitz!  The Skaven were spread thin and deep though, so not much could be done except to get a linerat into the elf half and threaten the receiver.  The Dark Elves caged up midfield and began to slowly advance as rats threw themselves uselessly against the cage from all angles.  As time ticked away, the Dark Elves broke out of the cage to try a running play, but the Blitzer was taken down by a Storm Vermin on the sideline, and the ball popped free to be scooped up by a Skaven thrower.  The Gutter Runners were badly placed in safety positions, however, and the Skaven were obliged to form their own defensive formation half way to the endzone.  Just one turn to go as the elves formed a line between them and the score.   Some desperation dodges and blocks went my way, the Thrower handed off to a Gutter Runner who then sprinted with two Go For Its (using my last reroll) to make it into the end zone and make the score 2 nil at half time.

The half time show came and went, along with a nice bottle of "3 steps" 2008 vintage Shiraz...

The second half saw the Dark Elves receive and a crowd thrown rock stunning a Skaven Lineman.  The DE went for a rushing play down the widezone and smashed through the rats' front line.  I had positioned my Storm Vermin deep as safeties and they went in on the ball carrying Blitzer - only a push back!  Reroll: push back! I crowded in a few other players at the cost of leaving the other half of the field exposed but the Dark Elf only needed a few dodges with his 4 Ag to get home: 1.  Reroll: 1.  My Thrower darted in, scooped up the ball and dashed into the oppostion half with a Gutter Runner and another Storm Vermin covering him.  A Dark Elf tried to block into positon but a both down did him no favours.  I handed off to the Gutter Runner, who streaked downfield to rest 2 spaces short of the endzone but out of reach of any of the Elves (love that Mv 9!).  Capitalising on the two player advantage, the Skaven broke through to screen the ball carrier as the frustrated Elves wailed on anyone they could get their hands on, KOing another Gutter Runner.  With 3 turns to go I could have stalled out at least another turn but what fun is that - I crossed the line with 3 turns to go.  After winning the Cheering Fans, the Dark Elves again went for a running play but the offense peetered out, and the final siren went with the score being 3 Nil - the Skaven Win!!!!  I  must admit though that my dice were rolling hot tonight and that always helps, and that score doesnt really reflect the game as a whole.

So the official results of the 2012 Shamrock Cup Series are:
Game 1 - Dark Elves 3:1
Game 2 - Skaven 2 Nil  
Game 3 - Skaven 3 Nil

And so the Skaven are the Champions - 12 years after their first and last Victory!
The next scheduled Shamrock Cup  tournament is 2016, but you never know what might happen...
Winners are Grinners!  History of this treasured trophy can be found here


  1. Congrats but skaven, really, lol.

    1. Thanks! Currently considering building an Underworld team so I can mix my Skaven with mutating Goblins!

  2. Congrats Paul and some say well deserved!

  3. Congrats on the win (even more after such long wait)!

  4. Yay! Congrats Paul! Reminds me that I may end up being the organizer for the next league round. Maybe I should see if I can get something from down under for the prize pool for the league.

    1. I'm going to Eucalyptus Bowl in July - they usually have special coins and dice for sale - if you want I coul pick some stuff up for you. Let me know.

  5. As A Dark Elf player I can empathise with James' 1 reroll 1 play. I have seen that so many times with my AG4 DElfs.

    Congrats on the win though!

    1. As a non Elf player I love to see them roll that! Makes up for all my own ball fumbling and failed dodges :-D

  6. Great report! That's how skaven should be played! :)
    He must have been really desperate to foul with an elf blitzer, me, I'd never have risked it, because I roll like he did ;)

    1. He even said it was risky as he moved the Blitzer in too!

  7. Congrats buddy...Now the rats will have to wait until 2024 to win again :P .By the way,loved the fluff around the cup trophy :P



    1. Thanks! It really has been a blast to keep this going. I'd love to make it an Annual event but we are separated by over a 1000kms these days!

  8. Twas a great game with some tense moments...fouling with the Blitzer was one of my mistakes! :) Turning point for me was Paul's second TD right at the end of the first half. That meant instead of a grinding start to the second half to whittle down his team on my way to tying it 1-1(I was receiving for the 2nd Half) being 2-0 down I had to try for a faster TD to give me time later in the game to hopefully upset his drive and score again...twas not to be! Love this series, can't wait for 2016!! :)

    1. Indeed it was! Interesting, we don't have a rule for who wins the Cup if the series gets tied up like that. Right Stuff is also keen (at this stage) to contest the next series too so. Maybe you and he need your own Grudgebowl Cup :-)

      Of course the next tourney cold be brought forward significantly if you move your Man Cave closer to mine...

  9. Congratulation Paul ! Good work !

    Best regards Michael
