
20 April 2012

Of course R is for Right Stuff!

naturally the Lad's nickname has to be explained on R Day!

Right Stuff is the skill that small players can have which enables them to be thrown by big bigger players with the Throw Team Mate skill.  Thus they can be launched over the defesive line, and try to sprint into the end zone.  Careful positioning (and a few good die rolls) means that this can all be done in a single turn, and is pretty much the only 1 turn score option for teams such as Orcs, Ogres, Goblins, Underwold and Halflings.  But beware the big guy with Always Hungry...

An interesting tactic I haven't yet tried to to launch a team mate at an opposing cage.  You see, if the thrown player falls over and is not carrying the ball, it doesn't cause a turn over.  And because the throw is always inaccurate, you can launch him into a square next to a cage (or inside one) and try to get him to fall on an opposing player - who automatically falls over.  This could then create a gap to run a blitzer in to cause some carnage.  I'll try this one day!


  1. It sounds good but with your back......

  2. Now should we be concerned that you are in the habit of launching you poor lad into the stratosphere, purely for pleasure? ;)

  3. Risky tactic but well worth in multiple situations.
    Just ask Halfling teams about it!
