
10 March 2012

JC of Mars

The girls went out to the Taylor Swift concert tonight, so naturally the boys sneaked out after they left to see John Carter of Mars.  Its had a bunch of mixed reviews, but our opinion? Epic!  A great adventure movie with amazing effects.  It had some slow spots, but these were necessary for the plot and I guess they just seemed slower after all the action bits.

Seriously, ,the Green and White Martians and the associated special effects are fantastic (and should be for 250 million dollars!)  If you are looking for a good, fun adventure yarn this is a great ride.

PS Its pretty WoW in 3D!


  1. Looks great to me! On the 'to do' list.

  2. I went and saw this the other day too (in 3D). Very surprised in that it is fantastic! A very much boy's own adventure story. I loved it.

  3. I've got to figure out a way to talk my wife into going to see this one :)

  4. Thanks for the tip Mate !

    best regards dalauppror

  5. Thanks for the review and the link to the preview. I don't have cable and new movies often slip by without me even knowing about them.

  6. I can hardly wait to see it!

  7. We had a chance to see this free but passed as we were busy that day having just got back from vacation. Probably will check it out on dvd or tv. A lot of the clips made me think of the Star Wars prequils.

  8. I did enjoy the movie and so did the wife. I would reccomend it to sci fi fans definitely.

  9. Saw the film last night myself and agree with you, slow in bits but overall definitely worth it for the eye candy.

  10. It should be epic as it was written by the same guy who wrote Tarzan. Edgar Rice Burroughs

  11. It should be epic as it was written by the same guy who wrote Tarzan. Edgar Rice Burroughs
