
07 September 2011

100,000 Hits

Thanks everyone !  And of course we wouldn't be anywhere near that with my fellow Man Cave gamers who give me so much fun in my hobbies, and those of you who encourage us in the most important thing there is - Having Fun!


  1. Congrats, very well deserved!!! Here's to the next 100k!!

  2. You keep brewing and posting and we'll keep coming and drinking!

  3. Congrats! I'll have a cold one in your honor!

  4. Way to go, man... congratulations!!

  5. Congrats. Your run a quality blog here that deserves the hit count!

  6. Hi Paul,

    Long live the Man cave - a bastion of blokeness and a joy for all red blooded chaps!

    Very well done sir!

    All the best,


  7. Congratulations on the milestone. Its an impressive figure to reach... especially for a site that doesn't rely on 'soft core porn' shots for hits. You do a bang up job with your blog and long may it continue. Two thumbs up from me.

  8. Many thanks lads! This blog is what you all help make it.

    Lurker: Tá fáilte romhat

  9. If you don't mind me asking Paul, how long have you been blogging for?

  10. Well my first Blog is/was VSF themed (, but I'm not as much into that anymore. However, I decided that I wanted to keep that one with its VSF theme so I started this one about 2.5 years ago for more generic gaming stuff. I imported a few relevant posts from White Wine Sauce for ease of finding the links when I needed them. I did have a Vietnam gaming blog for awhile too, but I closed that down after awhile and brought the posts to this blog.

    This year has seen a massive increase in both followers and hits - I put that down to the bigger variety of gaming this year with the inclusion of both Blood Bowl and Dark Ages, and that I've done a heck of a lot more table time this year, so I have more stuff to post!

  11. Awesome. I've been blogging for just over 3 months now and I'm enjoying it. I think the experience you have blogging comes through in your articles. Hopefully I can keep myself going for two and a half years!!! Congratulations again.

  12. Congrats Paul. Your blog inspired me to start.Well done mate.

  13. I gave up counting when it passed 1.000.000 on my blog...sigh!! ;-D
    No, seriously, well done mate..well deserved

  14. Well done quite a milestone to pass!

  15. Well done bud,

    ... now you can start doing it properly ;)

