
05 August 2010

AE-WWII Basra: 1946 - The Desert War

A Campaign Supplement for AE-WWII

8.5″ x 11″
108 pages
SRP $34.99 USD
Basra: 1946 is a campaign supplement for AE-WWII. This book expands the unit choices available to all factions in the game. Detailed rules for using and combating tanks in the game are also included. The story behind the campaign lets players expand their games in new directions along the alternate timeline.
AE-WWII: Basra 1946 Campaign Supplement contains:
  • New historical units and background for British and German forces
  • New weird war units for the game
  • Rules for fighting in desert environments
  • Rules for customizing tanks and other vehicles in the game
  • Background on the desert war and the alternate time-line for the Iraqi conflict in 1946
  • Three different campaigns representing the different sides of the story in Basra: 1946
  • New hero choices, new special orders, and more

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