
28 June 2010

Space Hulk wins Origin Award!

Yep, the big box won the Origins Award for the year's best board game.


  1. Thanks for the information. It's yet another reason to buy the game.

    Chest of Colors: All About Miniature Painting

  2. My plasure - Yes it is! Of course, I dont have a reason to buy another set until its won three awards ;-)

  3. I am trying really hard to avoid buying this game. I doubt I will have time to play it - not to mention painting all these cool miniatures. And the standard of painting they set with their studio paintjobs will make me disappointed with my game if I can't get my minis to look at least a bit similar ;)

    The game is worth buying even for the sake of having it, but I am still trying to resist. And now it is becoming even more difficult...

    Chest of Colors: All About Miniature Painting

  4. yes I totally understand your comments on painting standards. That said, my advice is thatif you have anything more than a mild interest then you NEED this game!
