
05 April 2010

Middle Eastern Terrain

Ulu asked me earlier for a post on the terrain in my Ambush Alley Game discussed previously. Although I didn't make it myself, (having asked for it to be made through an ebay seller who had made excellent 15mm WW2 ruins before) I offer the following pics and comments on the structure of the terrain pieces. The walls are polstyrene mounted on a hardwood base, and painted with polystyrene friendly paint. The removable rooves are all hardwood as well, with the walls having a slight lip to allow the roof to sit on the wall.
Only one piece had this outside staircase, the others have square access holes in the roof to indicate a staircase (although the actual staircase is abstracted)
The low wall pieces are metal bent to shape mounted on a hardwood base, and then painted and textured appropriately, with small pebbles added for effect.
There you go, the only other ting is the mosque shown in the earlier post and the building next to it are stackable, allowing a two storey building or mosque.


  1. Wow ! it's super-fast-reply-service, thanks.

  2. Very nice - is that a foamcore construction?

  3. Actually looks like it is cork tile?

  4. Doh, you did say it was polystyrene...

    Excellent work and inspirational too!

  5. Lads not my work but happy to claim fast turn around on requests :)

  6. Very nice. I like the color work too.
