
27 October 2009

Deathwing Update

In between enjoying my new SH set with the Lad (Battle Reports to follow), I've been playing about with the Deathwing painting scheme. Here is an update on hows its going. I ended up using a light white primer followed by a basecoat of a very light grey (Ral Partha, similar to Space Wolf Grey). Another Humbrol dark grey was used on weapons etc. Here they are (minus a chest eagle which I filled in afterwards) - note the Chapter Symbol wings on the Sgt's greave I am particularly proud of this hand-drawn achievement! This was the first time I had used the GW Washes, and WoW! I had fun with them. Very different to the old inks and while prone to some 'coffee staining' type effects, I had a ball with the Devlan Mud, though I need to have another play on the larger areas like the shoulder pads. I tried some deliberate mottling which didn't work so well and need to have a play with it a bit more to look right. I've added some detailing - chest eagles in Salamander Green with a light Green Goblin highlight, and some Dwarven Bronze highlights on skulls, picked out the purity seals etc. Also trying a light blue (GW Lightning Blue) for the eyes - I thought it might help to lighten the model a bit rather than red. Looks good, but needs some inking around the eyes yet to outline and define them. Crux terminatus need a few drybrushes and grey & white highlights to finish them off too. Still working on a plan for the Sgt's Power Sword - I might give the new crackling blue effect a try if I feel brave. Its also the first time I have really used edge highlighting as a technique - not one I usually employ and while extra blending would help, the whole point is for this to be a relatively quick process to get 5 guys ready for action. I've used a 50/50 mix of Komando Khaki and Bleached Bone for the Bone Armour highlights. It looks a bit more subtle in real life than this closeup of course.

So hopefully I can finish off the first Squad this week. Still waiting on the resin hulk bases from Dragon Forge. Overall Ive had a lot of fun trying out new techniques and just getting something done for a change - thanks for the encouragement guys!


  1. Looking great mate, whats your plan for the Blood angels in the box set?

  2. Very nice. It took me a couple trys to "fine tune" the look I wanted but once you get that down, you'll fly through the rest of them.

  3. By the way mate, are the bases you getting 40mm? Just in case you ever want to field these bad boys in a Space Marine company for 40K, they use 40mm bases for Terminators now...

  4. Nope, 25mm bases - I know that 40k uses 40mm, but that size wont fit onto the SH tiles. There are a few interesting modelling artciles out there about magnetising the SH bases so they can fit onto 40mm bases as needed for the 40k games though - interesting!

  5. Thanks Ron, I think a bit of tweaking will continue but I'm happy with the overall appearance on the table.

    Looking forward to finishing off this Squad and getting them into a Hulk for some Emperor-blessed cleansing!
