
08 August 2009

Score on "The Score"

You may know that I'm a fan of the d6g podcast (link on the right side side) which keeps me company at lunchtimes as I walk around the Lake. Great stuff, though its cost me a pretty penny when I have to get the great sounding games they review!

They have a semi-regular section called "The Score" in which Ken details thematic music to game to. This week's episode (37) was by request a Medieval theme - yes, I am the "Paul from Australia" that asked for it.

In reply, Ken came up with the following great suggestions:

Non Nobis Domine" by Patrick Doyle, from "Henry V"
"The Battle" by Harry Gregson-Williams, from "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe"
"Hanging" and "Escape" by Craig Armstrong, from "Plunkett & Macleane"
"The Bridge of Khazad Dum" from "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring"
"Evenstar" from Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
"The End of All Things" from Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, all three by Howard Shore
"Battle of the Heroes" and "Anakin's Dark Deeds" by John Williams, from Star Wars, Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

Thanks indeed Ken, they will make great music to game to. I'm really enjoying your segment, thanks for all the effort you out into it.


  1. I just listened to that D6G episode yesterday and was also blown away by 'The Score' segment. Ken's really opened my eyes (or should that be ears) to some great soundtracks out there for gaming. Good on you for requesting! Cheers, Wayne.

  2. Paul, thanks for the kind words! Episode V was the hardest one to nail down, so the positive response is especially appreciated.
    Your blog is loaded with great stuff, and is going into the links on my own less frequently updated blog:


  3. My pleasure Ken, all credit where it is due! Many thanks for the great scores to game to.
