
29 April 2009

Army Box contents

Rackham have oficially released detals on the new boed sets:

Contents of the Cog Army Box:
• 1 unit of 4 Warmongers: basic super-soldiers
• 1 unit of 4 Sharpshooters: elite super-soldiers
• 1 Prowler: basic combat strider
• 1 Vandal: the most powerful Cog combat strider
• 3 heroes from the C-Naps line: C-Naps G09, C-Naps G36 and C-Naps G45
• 3 high walls
• 1 container
• Introductory Rules
• 1 Cog tactical manual
• 1 game poster
• 12 dice
• 1 “Cog” ruler
• 1 explosion template
• 8 game cards

Contents of the Red Block Army Box:
• 1 unit of 12 Krasnye Soldaty: regular infantry containing three grenade launchers, two medics and an officer
• 1 unit of 8 Krasnye Soldaty: regular infantry containing one grenade launcher, two mechanics and an officer
• 6 Dragonov Kommandos: elite infantry with one sniper rifle, an electronic warfare specialist, a medic and an officer
• Odin O-1 and Manon O-2: the Red Blok’s two greatest heroes
• 1 Urod: Odin O-1’s and Manon O-2’s combat strider
• 1 Dotch Yaga: the most heavily armored combat strider to ever grace the battlefield
• 6 low walls
• 1 container
• Introductory Rules
• 1 Red Blok revolutionary forces tactical manual
• 1 game poster
• 12 dice
• 1 “Red Blok” ruler
• 1 explosion template
• 26 game cards

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