
05 May 2008

Eureka Miniature Indochine Range

Nic of Eureka Miniatures has his 15mm Indo-China War range developed from the 300 Club and ready. Its a comprehensive range and Mike Broadbent has done a great job with the sculpting.

French Foreign Legion Indo-China War
Click for bigger pics
(I particularly like the deployed FM24/29 figs)

The figure in brackets denotes the number of variants in the code.

300FFL01 Legionary in helmet with MAS 36 (6)
300FFL02 Legionary in helmet with MAT 49 (2)
300FFL03 Legionary and No.2 in helmet with FM24/29 LMG (1)
300FFL03a Legionary in helmet with FM24/29 LMG (1)
300FFL04 Legionary Officer in helmet (2)
300FFL05 Legionary Radio Operator in helmet (1)
300FFl05a Legionary with radio telephone in helmet(1)
300FFL06 Legionary HMG team in helmet 2 figs (1)
300FFL07 Legionary 80mm Mortar team in helmet 3 figs (1)
300FFL08 Legionary 60mm Mortar team in helmet 2 figs (1)
300FFL09 Legionary 57mm recoilless rifle team and 2 crew in helmet (1)
300FFL10 Legionary in helmet with M1 Carbine (2)
300FFL11 Legionary in bush hat with MAS 36 (6)
300FFL12 Legionary in bush hat with MAT 49 (2)
300FFL13 Legionary and No.2 in bush hat with FM24/29 LMG (1)
300FFL13a Legionary in bush hat with FM24/29 LMG (1)
300FFL14 Legionary Officer in bush hat (2)
300FFL15 Legionary Radio Operator in bush hat (1)
300FFl15a Legionary with radio telephone in bush hat (1)
300FFL16 Legionary HMG team in bush hat 2 figs (1)
300FFL17 Legionary 80mm Mortar team in bush hat 3 figs (1)
300FFL18 Legionary 60mm Mortar team in bush hat 2 figs (1)
300FFL19 Legionary 57mm recoilless rifle team and 2 crew in bush hat (1)
300FFL20 Legionary in bush hat with M1 Carbine (2)

Viet Minh
Click for bigger pics

300ICW30 Viet Minh with rifles- MAS36, SMLE and Type 99 (8)
300ICW31 Viet Minh with SMG – MAT49, Type 50 and Thompson (4)
300ICW32 Viet Minh with DP LMG (2)
300ICW33 Viet Minh Type 92 HMG -2 fig (1)
300ICW34 Viet Minh Bazooka team – 2 figs (1)
300ICW35 Viet Minh mortar/artillery crew (3)
300ICW36 Viet Minh Bugler (2)
300ICW37 Viet Minh Standard Bearer (2)
300ICW38 Viet Minh Officer (2)

You can find Eureka Miniatures here:

Now to go find some TO&E info so I can build some French Platoons!

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