
28 January 2008


This weekend was the premier Australian Wargaming convention, CANCON, organised by the Canberra Games Society and held just a few clicks from my house

There wasnt much in the way of Vietnam gaming, though I did spy a nice Boxer Rebellion style game. My mate Owen and I played in a great demo scenario of Mogadishu in 1994, as famously portrayed in the movie "Blackhawk Down!". The terrain, figs and vehicles were fantastic, and the rules were fast and quick playing. We did even worse than the movie writers thought the Americans did and had a ball doing it. And yes, more than one Blackhawk crashed, as unlikely as the odds were for that!

Over the weekend I also met up with friends old and new, including Mike of Battlefield Accessories who makes the great Pacific scultped bases I used on my USMC troops(, Mick from Mick's Metal Models (, who among other ranges is the Australian distributor for Peter Pig, and Glynn from Fernvale Specialty Scenics who does some very nice resin Vietam stuff.
Needless to say, money was spent and goodies were brought home...including some more NVA troops, bases for my new US vehicles, some 15mm vehicle accessories by Skytrex plus the Men of Company B rules from Peter Pig.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the mention mate. It was good to meet you and a whole heap of others at my cherry CanCon. I'll be there with a stall next year for sure. Well, hopefully anyway. I don't have a website as yet (a bit of a Luddite when it comes to websites), but I will try to update my blog and put up a heap of pics. In the meantime, if anyone wants to email me, the addy is


    Fernvale Specialty Scenics

    "I love the smell of resin in the morning." ~ Apolyester Now!
