
12 November 2023


A rare (and rapid) visit to the UK this week gave me a chance to attend the Warfare Show at Farnborough this week, which was a lot of fun.

A bunch of great looking games and tournaments on offer, as well as some great traders too.  Yes my bags will going home a bit heavier :-)

But best of all was the opportunity to people Ive been emailing, blogging and e-chatting with for years in person! 

First up was Jon from Ground Zero Games - I have been buying his models for over 30 years so it was fabous to meet the man behind the many games of Stargrunt, Dirtside and Full Thrust that I have enjoyed over that time. And yes I may have gotten some more Moongrunt goodies from him...

Then I met Ray amongst the Traders and had lunch with him, Lee and Postie which was wonderful. Naturally AHPC came up a few times, and the many faces behind the submissions over the years. Really lovely, genuine people are were exactly how I imagined them to be!

Last but definitely not least I got to meet Ashely from Paint it Pink blog (here) and her wife Susan - what a wonderful and erudite pair they are too, and we chatted about around a myriad of topics. They even gave me a lift to London after the show so the conversation could continue! I was thrilled to received a signed copy of Ashley's first mil-SF novel "Bad Dog", and a range of the old RAFM Heavy Gear models which she was kind enough to release from her model motor pool

Sure there was some great games and tables - I might post more about them later but as ever meeting fellow hobbyists in person was the best part of the day!

EDIT: I've posted the wonderful Cloudships of Mars pics at my other VSF blog here:

EDIT2: Ray has now posted some great pics of the show and its myriad of tables and games here: