
15 February 2022

AHPC XII: 'Nidzilla!

News of the upcoming release of the new Tyranid Codex had Reilly and I reaching for some unpainted bugs this week. He did a Broodlord and this is my contribution: a Trygon - and a big (half a foot tall) menacing fellow he is!

Game wise, he is a burrower and erupts from the ground in a nasty surprise attack kind of way. He also generates a tunnel behind him that other bugs can then scuttle through - so apart from his personal attacks, it can be a bit of a pain when bugs suddenly erupt amidst your army.

The basing is done to match the rest of the army - I'm not super happy with it yet and will add to it later, but I am literally off to the airport for a work trip now so thats good enough for today.

Game wise, he erupts from the ground in a nasty surprise attack kind of way. He also generates a tunnel behind him that other bugs can then scuttle through - so apart from his personal attacks, it can be a bit of a pain when bugs suddenly erupt amidst your army.

08 February 2022

AHPC XII: War of the Roses - Lancastrians

The start of a new but long awaited project: War of the Roses. Stage 1 is a Lancastrian force to oppose Alan's lovely Yorkists that he painted a few years ago.  Ironic that I should be doing Lancastrians though, as I served aboard the Destroyer HMS York for more than a year... 

Anyway, this initial burst of 48 figures includes Foot Knights, Billmen and Retinue Archers for Lion Rampant. In the wings are lots more of the same plus Mounted Knights, Prickers and artillery, as well as European mercenary Pike, crossbows and hand gunners.

Foot Knights advance under a Percy House Banner

I was experimenting with the Scale 75 metallics for the armour - very nice products, and I'm really happy how they have come out and contrast with the snow. This is also my first real foray into snow basing so that they match Alan's army; going for a patchy, early winter look. They came out a bit heavier than expected but I'm happy with them overall.

Well armoured Retinue Billmen move into the attack

Fun fact: Snow basing really soaks up any rum and coke that you might inadvertently spill over your entire army. REALLY well like a sponge. Like, scrape it all off and start again the night before your submission is due. Still, the models now have a nice smell and Reilly observed "You're really putting something of yourself into this project". I figure the spirits will keep the lads warm in the snow...

Unarmoured Billmen, led by a Man at Arms

Alan has convinced me with his zealous promotion of the 3-2-1 basing schema for the foot troops, but I kept the archers in more refined lines on rectangle bases. I think it shows a more formed and static line up, while the foot sloggers are a bit more ragged in the advance.

Stout Englishmen and their yew bows ready to deliver an arrow storm

That's 48 figs and the two banners are hand painted of course.

06 February 2022

AHPC XII: Chaos Landraider "Blood Storm"

It was only 2 weeks ago amidst this very challenge that I got obsessive over a single, low point submission. I wouldn't fall into that particular hole again so soon would I?... You know it!

Meet Bloodstorm, a Chaos Landraider with a multitude of Spikey bits and more than the odd skull affixed to the superstructure in praise of the Dark Gods. To be more precise it is a captured and repurposed Imperial vehicle, turned against it former masters - Chaos guys are a bit insidious like that. Its also big and bright and red. Chaos guys like that too.

Obviously I went overboard once again with the customisation and the silly amount of layering and edge highlighting (not seen well in the pics) to get the bright, vibrant red colour.  Hopefully that draws the enemy fire and lets the other parts of my army get close enough to breathe sweet nothings in the enemy's ears, before they hack them off (and the rest of the head too, ideally).

In true Khorne fashion is trying to climb OUT of the heavily armoured fighting vehicle so he can hit things with his chainsword - Khorne guys REALLY like doing that.