
26 August 2018

Frostgrave Goblin Warband

A Goblin warband in Frostgrave? Yes indeed! Exploring the frozen city is no longer a pastime for the Humans only club!  Presenting my Goblin warband, based around the tribe Shaman and his apprentice.

I've used the lovely Oathmark Goblins for this warband, a combination of the excellent plastics and some of the metal character figures.
The Shaman and his apprentice - used as Witches in Frostgrave
Probably my favourite fig: the Captain!
Really pleased with how his fur coat came out too.
I built a few extra figures along the way, to allow for some different mixes of henchmen

Fodder: Thugs and archers - good for lugging treasure around!
 I'm very pleased with the way the colours worked, having gone with something a bit different. The Browny green skin kept them a bit lighter, and the red, grey, and white contrasts on the figure work -for me anyway!
The Orc Templar with his nasty big chopper!
Orc Man-at-Arms, ready for action!
So back into the frozen city they go this week, destined to be slaughtered now that they are fully painted!

06 August 2018

Man Cave reopens!

Its been awhile but I've finally returned to home shores. Another busy few months away at sea but the Man Cave is now open once again for business.  Along the way I did have a few hobby adventures to share...

First is a birthday present to myself - a small commission to start an early Saxon Army to oppose my Romano-British. I have not engaged a painting service before but with lots of time away I decided that a little help was required to get my armies together, so I can spend my limited home time playing.  Jacksarge Painting is an Aussie and I had seen his work on FB before - it is simply a delight to behold.  This is what he sent me:
Early Saxon Warlord- Footsore Miniatures and LBM banner
Jacksarge Painting really knocked it out of the park.
Early Saxon hearthguard - Footsore Miniatures

Jacksarge Painting made the process very easy and I was fortunate to be able to slip a small number of figures into his painting cue. I am thrilled with the outcome and strongly recommend his services. You can contact him here: or on FB here:

I also did a bit of arms length gaming while deployed - first up my participating in Palladian Guard's 1904 Cherbourg Superbattle - a bit of pre dreadnought naval alternative history in which the Brits and French team up against a Russo-German alliance at sea.  As the higher Russian commander I generated the tactical objectives for the Russian fleet, commanded ably by Ed.
Read the action here:

Secondly, my daughter and I had a lot of fun running a dungeon crawl adventures using FB messenger and the rules Four Against Darkness.  These are a simple but fun set of rules, which are usually utilised for solo adventures and were perfect for our purposes.  If you are looking for a bit of old style paper and pencil action, this could be up your alley.

Our party embraced racial diversity principles and consisted of a Barbarian, Elf, Dwarf and a Hobbit.  Sancho the Hobbit proved to be the Hero and MVP of our tale, proudly staggering back to town under the weight of a freshly hewn Minotaur Head to regale the tavern ladies of his fortune and courage in adversity.

And to start off my return to gaming in the best possible way, Alan hosted a bunch of our games clubbers at his place where Dave (of the Left Handed Panzerfaust fame) ran us, including my daughter, through a 4 player intro game of Frostgrave.  Now I must admit to having actively avoided this game thus far because I knew it would totally appeal to me and I didn't need yet another project. It did of course...
Dave's awesome Frotsgrave setup
A fun game ensued in which the other 3 quickly got into action against one another, allowing me to run around and steal most of the treasures. Highlight was one of Meaghan's archers putting an arrow into the eye of Aled's Sorcerer's Apprentice in turn one and dropping him before he even moved.  A lot of fun indeed and a real treat to play on Dave's fantastic setup and with his beautiful figures - visit his blog to see them in all their glory, and some wonderful tutorials of how he built his conversions. A very talented guy. Maybe I could build just a small warband for now...

Our heroes delve deeply into the ruins...
And to make matters worse, I see this is coming out soon too.  I must have 2 full moving boxes of old Epic stuff...